Do you want to become a millionaire???? No, I am not joking.You can become one.But the main question is How????????????????????????? Network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing, is a business model which involves a pyramid structured network of people who sell a company’s products. The participants in this network are usually remunerated on a commission basis. That is, people in this network get commission every time they perform the specified task, like – Make a sale of a product. Their recruits make a sale of the product. In simple words, this model involves a pyramid structure of non-salaried participants who get paid whenever they or a person below them in the pyramid makes a sale. I DON'T SAY IT...THE RICHES SAY... AND MANY MORE TO GO..... SO NOW WHERE TO LEARN ABOUT THIS.....TO BECOME BEST IN THIS FIELD AND I GUARANTEE THE BEST IN FIELD IS A MILLIONAIRE.SO FROM WHERE DO YOU GAIN KNOWLEDGE??FROM BOOKS............. THERE ARE NUMBER O...
Showing posts from April, 2018